Frag Out! Magazine #16 - Tactical Prison Rescue 2017

Tactical Prison Rescue 2017

We prepare the best for the worst, and each life is the most important for us, regardless on each side of the prison bars you are – under such a motto was 6th Competition and Workshops of the Prison Service Intervention Groups “Tactical Prison Rescue 2017 finished. The event took place in Poland on 23–26 May 2017.

The main objective of the competition was checking up a training level of the particular groups and a cooperation with the medical rescue units and developing the common rescue procedures in case of the civilian life and health threatening events. Apart from fifteen intervention groups the Prison Service, in the competition participated, inter alia, the Anti-Terrorist Police Subunits, the intervention teams of the Border Guard, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA), the Police Central Bureau of Investigation (CBŚP), the soldiers from the Military Academy of Land Forces, the airborne units, the Military Police and the Territorial Defense Force (WOT)…


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