PGZ DROMADER SF Update: New photos of the system

Here is a quick update about the PGZ DROMADER individual load carrying equipment system featured in the Frag Out! Magazine #18. The development team working on this projects has sent us a brief information and some studio shots.

Our “DROMADER” project is moving along well.

We are forming a consortium of PGZ companies to expand the scope of the project to other specialist needs.

Attached are some images of DROMADER-SF system for  the Law Enforcement and Military  CT units.

You can also see a comparison between DROMADER equpped soldier with 5.56 mm MSBS/GROT assault rifle and MAPA camouflage kit and a standard Polish infantry soldier in wz. 93 camouflage uniform, “Kandahar” body armor and 5.56 mm BERYL wz. 96 assault rifle.


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