Navistar Defense to Reset Maxxpro® Vehicles for UAE

Navistar Defense, LLC (Navistar Defense) announced an award from the U.S. Army Contracting Command at the Detroit Arsenal to reset Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles for the United Arab Emirates. The contract, valued at ~$60M, is to reset, upgrade and support 106 long wheelbase MaxxPro® vehicles.

While going through the reset process, previously deployed and battle-damaged MaxxPro vehicles undergo an extensive refurbishment effort to restore them to like new condition.

MaxxPro® MRAP vehicles are recognized as one of the most survivable vehicles in the world.

The survivability and mobility capabilities are essential to ensure our allies are able to complete their missions safely. We are encouraged to see these battle tested vehicles get back to operational-ready condition to enable and protect our customers.

Ted Wright, chief executive officer, Navistar Defense

In 2017, Navistar Defense received its first award to reset MaxxPro® vehicles for U.A.E.

The work will take place at the company’s West Point, Mississippi assembly plant starting approximately 45 days after award. Navistar Defense expects to hire an additional 75 employees to support this project for the U.S. Army. Delivery is planned to be completed in June 2025.

Source: Navistar Defense news release

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