Frag Out! Magazine #15 - Luminox Navy SEALs Colormark

Luminox Watches: 3050 & 8080


The Original Navy SEAL 3000, the most famous and most popular model of the Luminox brand was launched after 1994, after conducting one-year works under a commission of the US Navy SEALs frogmen who had been looking for a watch which ensures an easy read-out of time in any lighting conditions, during a day and at night and under the water.

The only one watch which survived a tough test procedure and still worked was the Original Navy SEALs 3000. Its key feature was case made of the highly impact-resistant composite of carbon fiber and polycarbonate which quickly became the flagship material used in the design of the Luminox.

FRAG OUT! received Luminox 3050 and 8800 watches for review. The first ones are a direct ancestors of SEALs watches and represent the Colormark line up. The others are from the Black Ops series what also draws upon the special operations and special forces. We have been using them for a dozen or so of months (one was actually used for few years) so we can say few words about them.



Szwajcarskie zegarki Luminox SEAL Colormark uchodzą za jedne z bardziej znanych „taktycznych” czasomierzy. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest zastosowanie kapsułek z radioaktywnym gazem trytem do podświetlenia indeksów i wskazówek. Jak się spisują?

Najsłynniejszy i najpopularniejszy model marki Luminox, Original Navy SEAL 3000 pojawił się w roku 1994 po trwających rok pracach na zlecenie amerykańskich SEAL-sów, którzy poszukiwali zegarka zapewniającego odczyt godziny w każdych warunkach oświetleniowych, w dzień i w nocy oraz pod wodą. Jedynym zegarkiem, który przetrwał całą procedurę testową i nadal działał, był właśnie Luminox.

W nasze ręce trafiły zegarki szwajcarskiej firmy z serii 3050 i 8800 – te pierwsze wywodzą się wprost z zegarków opracowanych dla amerykańskich komandosów morskich i należą do linii Navt SEAL Colormark, a drugie do Black Ops, czyli także nawiązującej do działań i jednostek specjalnych. Używaliśmy ich przez kilkanaście miesięcy (jednego nawet przez parę lat), więc możemy co nieco o nich powiedzieć.



The Original Navy SEAL 3000, the most famous and most popular model of the Luminox brand was launched after 1994, after conducting one-year works under a commission of the US Navy SEALs frogmen who had been looking for a watch which ensures an easy read-out of time in any lighting conditions, during a day and at night and under the water.

The only one watch which survived a tough test procedure and still worked was the Original Navy SEALs 3000. Its key feature was case made of the highly impact-resistant composite of carbon fiber and polycarbonate which quickly became the flagship material used in the design of the Luminox.

FRAG OUT! received Luminox 3050 and 8800 watches for review. The first ones are a direct ancestors of SEALs watches and represent the Colormark line up. The others are from the Black Ops series what also draws upon the special operations and special forces. We have been using them for a dozen or so of months (one was actually used for few years) so we can say few words about them.



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