L3Harris Technologies Delivers Next Generation Squad Fire Control Solution to the US Army

L3Harris Technologies has delivered 115 production prototype systems and conducted training for the Next Generation Squad Weapon Fire Control (NGSW-FC) solution to the U.S. Army.

The Army will use the prototype systems for test, evaluation and soldier touchpoints prior to down selecting one company for a program production contract award later this year. The solution provides an integrated approach to augmented aiming by combining range-finding capability, ballistic computation and environmental sensors that increase the accuracy while decreasing the time to engage a threat.

 The L3Harris Next Generation Squad Weapon – Fire Control system will enable soldiers to better detect, identify and engage threats at greater distances, as well as enhance situational awareness on the battlefield. Our delivery of the production prototype systems is an example of L3Harris’ commitment to providing advanced technology to our customers. 

Lynn Bollengier, President, Integrated Vision Solutions, L3Harris

The company has teamed with Leupold & Stevens to integrate their superior optical assemblies and high volume, domestic manufacturing capabilities. This ensures the system meets the high quality and capacity requirements set forth by the Army to field this technology alongside the Next Generation Squad Weapons program.

Source: L3Harris press release

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