The Swiss B&T GL06 is a dedicated stand-alone shoulder-fired 40×46mm grenade launcher intended for military and police applications. The GL06 was developed in response to a recent request from the police force of a leading European country which sought to obtain a less-lethal weapon for anti-riot application with the particular need for pin-point accuracy at standoff ranges (beyond 40 meters for such scenarios) when firing impact rounds.
The GL06 is a stand-alone shoulder-firing weapon intended for military and police applications. A special “less-lethal” version of GL06 was produced as the LL06. Although the LL06 was marketed as a variation of the GL06, the only difference is the bright yellow color of the frame, compared to the standard black of the GL06. Both weapons are fully capable of firing a complete range of lethal and less-lethal 40×46mm ammunition.