Allison Transmission Grows Its Global Presence in Wheeled Tactical Defense Vehicles – Eitan AFV

Allison Transmission, a leading designer and manufacturer of conventional and electrified vehicle propulsion solutions for tactical wheeled and tracked defense vehicles, and medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles has been selected by the Israeli Ministry of Defense for their future Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

The Israeli Ministry of Defense selected the Allison 4800 Specialty Series™ (SP) transmission for their 8-wheeled Eitan Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV). The Eitan (Hebrew for “steadfast” or “strong”) will replace a portion of Israel’s aging fleet of M113 tracked armored personnel carriers. Allison Transmission received the first production order in September 2021, with deliveries expected to continue for multiple years. The 4800 SP transmissions will be assembled within power packs by the vehicle’s power pack integrator – Rolls Royce Solutions America (Formerly MTU America).

Photo: IDF

The Israeli Defense Force has a remarkable defense industrial base that is committed to innovation and fielding transformative technologies. Allison is proud to provide our 4000 Series transmission with advanced features for the Eitan Armored Fighting Vehicle.

Dana Pittard, Vice President for Defense Programs at Allison Transmission

The development and production of the Eitan is being led by the Armored Vehicles Directorate at the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Three variants of the Eitan will be fielded – an armored personnel carrier (APC), a command vehicle and an infantry combat vehicle equipped with an unmanned turret and 30mm cannon.

The Allison 4800 SP model is currently featured in a number of other large 8 x 8 wheeled armored combat vehicles including the United States Marine Corps Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) and the Boxer AFV in use with several countries including Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The 4800 SP meets all customer requirements for performance, reliability and durability in the large wheeled armored combat vehicle segment.

The Allison 4800 SP is also used in the United States Army M1070A1 Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) and M1300 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System (EHETS) tractor.

Source: Allison Transmissions news release

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